Monday, March 09, 2009

Top 5 Books

Since I'm a ginormous reading nerd, for some reason people expect me to be able to tell them my favorite book or best book I've read this year. This is not as easy as it sounds -- I either have been reading crap (thank you, Dr. Zhivago) or an embarassment of good reads (thank you, 2009). However, My top 5 books of the last 5 years (not including rereads such as "Snow Crash" or "Dave Barry Slept Here"):

"Bonk", Mary Roach -- sex, science, and humor, who needs more?

"World War Z," Max Brooks -- Far better than I could've expected, the human-zombie war was thrilling

"Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell," Susanna Clarke -- Though this almost got bumped because her author photo isn't approved for use the USA -- You need more than one great novel to warrant country-specific photos.

"Me Talk Pretty One Day," David Sedaris -- Even better as an audiobook, I laughed so hard I ached.

"Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Jesus' Childhood Pal," Christopher Moore -- Just because he's the Son of God doesn't mean he didn't have a best buddy who was a jackass.

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