Friday, July 01, 2011

A Solution To Boring Sports Playoffs

After the Dear Leader invented invisible cell phones to communicate with the brave players on North Korea's men's World Cup team, I thought they were out of entertainment potential. I never should've doubted the Dear Leader & company's ability to bring the laugh laugh! Because they're back! After losing to the USA 2-0 in the opening game of the Women's World Cup, the North Korean coach blamed their poor play in the second half on... his players being hit by lightning. A month ago. But the very fact they could play was indicative of "very strong will". Damn straight.

But, what do we care? I think that North Korea should get an automatic bid into ALL team sports playoffs -- World Cup, Rugby World Cup, MLB/NBA/NHL/NFL playoffs, whatever. Put 'em against the top seed in the first round and enjoy the fun! Can you imagine Mark Cuban's blog posts during a series?

As always, you're welcome for another brilliant idea!

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